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 Politics Archive 2014

Paul Ryan is "hopeful" tax reform will be done this year
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 31, 2014

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host David Gregory that he is “hopeful” Congress will work on reforming the tax code.

Ryan said, “Watch the Ways and Means Committee in the first quarter of next year.  We’re going to be advancing tax reform legislation because we think that’s a key ingredient to getting people back to work, to increasing take home pay, to growing this economy.”

Rep. Ryan is the chairman of the House Budget Committee and a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

As the chairman of the Budget Committee and a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Ryan has been at the center of the debate between both parties concerning ways to reform the tax code in order to grow the economy.

Rep. Paul Ryan and the Republicans support lowering taxes and decreasing funding to entitlement programs as a way to grow the economy, while President Obama and the Democrats believe they can grow the economy by raising the tax rate on the top 1%.

Considering the divide, Gregory asked Ryan why he thinks both parties will be able to work together on tax reform.

Ryan responded that both sides are talking to each other.  He noted how he and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who is the chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, were able to work together in order to get a budget deal.

Ryan also said that he wasn’t as concern about the division between both parties as he is about where they can find common ground.

Ryan said, “But I would rather not focus on the fact that we’re not gonna agree on these things.  And that’s why we want to look where we can,  that’s why we talk about tax reform.  Max Baucus and Dave Camp are Democrat and a Republican, are trying to work on tax reform.”

Senator Murray added that both parties agree the tax code needs to be reform, and although she and Ryan disagree on what to do with the revenue generated from taxes it doesn’t mean they will never be able to compromise on the issue.

Murray said, “Ron Wyden, a friend of yours, said the other day that the tax code is 100 years old and it looks like it…Where the divide comes is what you would do with any revenue that is generated from that, but that doesn’t mean we could never find a compromise with that.”

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